My name is William Tollefson, and I love Disney. I am 23 years old, a graduate of Seattle Pacific University, and study music and law.
I have been visiting Walt Disney World my entire life, and have visited more times than I can count. I am of the philosophy that Walt Disney World is a fierce force for good in a world that increasingly needs just that. I am a skeptic, a cheese ball, and an excited fan. I am a new historian, an amateur writer, and an excited fan. I am a musician, a conductor, a debater, and an excited fan.
I hope that this blog allows you to have a connection to the place I love, and gives us an opportunity to share in our excitement about Walt Disney World, and all of the beauty, peace, and perspective it gives to all those who visit.
I am open to, and excited about, any opportunity to write, talk about, or be involved in Walt Disney World-related activities. Do you like what I write? Talk to me! Hate what I write? Tell me I'm wrong and why! I love talking.
Warmest regards to fellow fans and adventurers,
-William Tollefson