Disney recently announced an agreement with Turner Classic Movies. The movie giant will be airing Disney programming on their television channel on special occasions. These "event programs" will be centered around the history of the Disney company, in an attempt to bring back and reignite the current generation about older Disney films. I am really looking forward to these shows, and will surely be tuning in.
In addition to these programs, TCM will be sponsoring an update for Disney's Great Movie Ride attraction at Hollywood Studios. Disney has hinted that the changes will come in stages, and will begin with an update to the movie montage at the end of the ride, as well as the one in the waiting queue. The change will also eventually include updated ride scenes, and a new introductory/loading area. This is big news for those of us who have been waiting around for a decade for Disney to do something with this space. However, the implications of this news are wide-spread!
Some have been wondering if Disney is going to drop the movie-making theme from the Studios park all together. They have been subtly hinting at this idea by closing the Studios Backlot Tour, and the promise of Star Wars Land. This update, however, seems to indicate that Disney is in fact investing in that aspect of the park. It also indicates that while the giant sorcerer's hat is finally leaving, the Chinese Theater will remain there, and will most likely re-establish itself as the focal point of the park. It means that the main stretch of Hollywood Boulevard will still act as the key welcoming feature and as an aesthetic introduction to the rest of the park.
Looks like The Great Movie Ride is here to stay!